Flowers to Celebrate National Smile Week and Romance Awareness Month
There are at least two ways to show others this month how much you care about them. While you don't need a special occasion to do so, given all of our busy schedules, time goes by without us often getting the chance to communicate how we feel. That's why the second week in August, also known as National Smile Week, was created. It is meant to remind all of us that what we do affects others. We can use that influence for good by saying thank you, handing out hugs, or offering a kind gesture. Of course, those close to us might also smile when they receive a special gift from us. Even closer people in our lives like our significant others may also enjoy the fact that we consider celebrating Romance Awareness Month, which is also designed with others in mind. To help you select something special and timeliness in beauty and message, we'd like to suggest these floral gift ideas that are affordable and are stunning ways to show your love for others: So Happy You're Mine Bouquet by Teleflora Send smiles with a yellow smiley face mug that is overflowing with red roses, pink alstroemeria, and miniature red and yellow carnations. Your recipient will continue to smile and think of you every time they use the mug for coffee or cocoa later on. Summertime Splash This floral arrangement features yellow lilies, pink gerbera daisies, orange roses and alstroemeria, greenery and other accents. It is hand-arranged in a cube vase. Splendid Surprise by Teleflora This bouquet has green miniature hydrangea and lavender roses displayed in a bright fuchsia cube. Blue Caribbean Blending many types of flowers in bright colors, this cheerful arrangement housed in a blue cube vase offers yellow lilies, red gerbera daisies, yellow alstroemeria, and asters. Color Me Yours Bouquet This bold flower arrangement includes flowers in many shades of red, orange and yellow. It's a brilliant way to show your love and make that special someone smile. Roman Holiday This exclusive floral design team delivers red roses, full bloom hydrangea, lavender roses and phlox, lavender and dark purple carnations, and hot pink freesia. These beauties come in a clear cylinder glass vase. Never Let Go This romantic bouquet includes premium red flowers like roses along with lavender accents in a container of your choice. Order Romance and Love Today! Be sure to place your order through our website, in our Tucson flower shop, or by phone today! It's time to make more smiles and spread the romance!