Flowers can be your solution for two August occasions — National Romance Awareness Month and National Smile Week (second week of August so this week!).
They represent many feelings, including romance, kindness, and happiness.
These gifts from Mother Nature are a beautiful way to express how you feel and offer a way to add more positivity for everyone who gives and receives them. Here are some floral gift ideas for these special August events:
So Happy You’re Mine Bouquet by Teleflora
Send smiles with this keepsake ceramic mug with permanent smiley ace along with a bouquet that includes red roses, pink alstroemeria, and miniature red and yellow carnations.
Sunbright Bouquet
Sunflowers are made to bring the smiles, and this arrangement offers a whole vase full of these summer beauties.
Bold and Beautiful
This colorful floral display contains roses, asters, mums, snapdragons, and gerbera daisies.
Color Me Yours Bouquet
Red, orange, and yellow hues make up this bold and cheerful flower arrangement that is very smile-worthy.
Tanque Verde Valley
This unique bouquet is accented with a bowl full of sliced oranges topped with bold blooms.
Never Let Go
Let someone special know what they mean to you by sending this original arrangement with red and lavender seasonal flowers.
This Magic Moment
A large bowl of pastel roses offers a sublime gift for that special someone.
Heart’s Companion Bouquet by Teleflora
A bamboo cube holds bright blooms in hues of orange and red to show your passionate love.
Madera Canyon Love
Red roses from Ecuador are featured along with cymbidium orchids and fresh seasonal greenery in a vintage metal paint can vase.
Mayfield’s Heart’s Pirouette Bouquet
Blue and pink blooms are displayed in a keepsake azure vase.
Ruby Rapture Bouquet
Red and lavender roses come together to show your love and romantic feelings for your recipient.
Order today to make the most smiles possible and show your romantic side. You can order in our Tucson flower shop or through our website.